ModPack from Aslain for World of Warships is a popular assembly that is used by a large number of players. World of Warships: Aslains Modpack - Alle Mods in einem Pake Administrator Aslain 4,359 Posted November 18, 2020. By (for certain mod combinations) - added Cruise control: v2 - added Message of the day (MOTD) on battle loading screen - updated ports Halloween Pack (added 5 more ports), Unreal Official: Operations - updated clan icons 2 Link to post. Lest bei uns, wo ihr es bekommt und wie es funktioniert Download ★ World of Warships ★ Modpack Download ★ World of Warships ★ Modpack. Aslains Modpack fasst die wichtigen Mods für World of Warships in einem übersichtlichen Paket zusammen.